Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Nomination Form -- Spring 2006 Awards


On the next page you will find the ballot for the Spring 2006 awards.

Please circle one candidate for each category. We ask that you only vote in categories for which you have seen most of the presentations. You may vote in a category if you've missed one, but please abstain from categories for which you feel unable to make an informed judgment. The word "corpus" indicates that an individual's nomination is based on his or her performance in more than one debate during the course of the semester.

Deadline &Announcement:

Awards will be given out during the Elections Meeting. The Deadline for returning the ballot will be 10 pm Tuesday, April 25th.

Please drop off hard copies of the ballots at tomorrow’s OC or at the WASH-Weatherman debate on Tuesday evening. If this is not possible, e-mail responses to keithedwhite@gmail.com (just click reply).

Some VP Appreciation:

I give my sincere thanks to the many members who lent a hand during the nomination process. Gene Lepley and Ben DeForest provided excellent records and other considerable aid.

And finally, thank you to all the people that gave such excellent literary presentations and debates throughout the semester. I hope every future Vice President can have such a high caliber membership to draw from in following semesters. Culling down the considerable work of the Society was no easy task, speaking volumes about the quality of our members.

Provisional Literary Presentation:

1) Tim Gray: Classified section of the London Times

2) Ethan Hamlin: Three Poems ‘Girls are like Cigarettes’, ‘You Asked me where you would go and I said, ‘August 23rd, 2003)

3) Lauren Palmer: ‘The Down Beat’

4) Chen Song: (corpus: Politically Correct Bedtimes Stories, Time Traveler’s Wife, ‘Parsley’)

5) Dan Herrmann (Donald Barthelme’s short story ‘The School’)

Member Original Literary Presentation:

1) Jamie Trowbridge: ‘Choose your Own Language’

2) Caitlin Stapleton: ‘History Part I’

3) Pablo Mann: ‘Tribute to Girlfriend’

4) Tara Ebrahimi: ‘Turtle’

5) Gwen Kirk (‘Feeders Keepers, Losers Weepers’)

6) Mike Dindoffer (Corpus: ‘I’m the man that Killed your Family’ & ‘Valentinius’)

7) Nicole Eickhoff: "Whisper"

Group Literary Presentation:

1) Evan Monez, Gwen Kirk, David Rodenbaugh: ‘Percussion Ensemble’

2) Emmett Synder and Doug O’Reagan: ‘Sci-Fi and Wrestling’

3) Vadim Elenev and Sarah Begeman: “How Painful, Darling, and how Foreign’ by Alexander Kochetkov

4) Kelly Webster and Shannon Gorman (Alice in Wonderland)

Member Serious Debate:

1) Dan Wiser: (corpus: Mao is Dead, PM, God Debate, MG, Smith Simpson Tryout and Debate)

2) Trevor Dobson (Smith Simpson Debate)

3) Charlie Mason (God Debate, PM)

4) Meg Olson (Immigration Debate, LO) and Wiretapping Debate, LO)

5) Steve Gottschling (God Debate, MO)

Provisional Debate:

1) Rohan Pai: Melting-pot assimilation vs. Salad Bowl assimilation, MO

2) Tim Gray: ‘Anarchist Senator Debate: Do It,’ MO

3) Dan Herrmann: ‘Do not allow illegal immigrants to attend public K-12 schools,’ MO

Member Non-Original Lit. Presentation:

1) Michelle Unterbrink: ‘Guts’, in Haunted, by Chuck Palahniuk

2) Katie Bray (corpus: Beatles White Album & Faulkner, The Foxfield Weekend by Tucker Max)

3) Andrew Morgan (‘Tell-tale Heart’)

4) Mary Butcher (‘Laughing Wild’ by Christopher Durain)

5) Ben DeForest (‘On a Favourite Cat Drowned in a Tub of Goldfishes’ by Thomas Gray)

Service to Society:

1) Caitlin Stapleton & Joy Arcangeli: Banquet Slide Show

2) Jen Swalec: Poetry Readings/Readathon

3) Katie Bray: Handcopying Constitution

4) Peter Trauernicht, Trevor D., Preston Gisch: Sound/Music Contributions for Parties

Member Humorous Debate:

1) Evan Stewart (Humorous Debate)

2) Mike Dindoffer (Humorous Debate)

3) Gene Lepley (Humorous Debate)

4) Meg Olson (Ice Debate, LO)

5) Trevor Dobson (Ice Debate, MO)

Alumni Literary Presentation:

1) Amy Hawkins: ‘Interview with Dan Savage’:

2) Nathan Royster: ‘I Hate Bohemians’ from The Hate Verses

3) Sara Driskell: ‘What to do if your Neighbor Used to be a Nazi’

Monday, June 18, 2007

April 13th

Literary Presentations:

Hallee Morgan: An original lit. written by Andrew Carroll, talking about how Jesus must have been a graduate student.

Alex Rixey (provisional): A eulogy describing (insert) and his attempt to construct language and his approach to memory

Caitlin Stapleton: A WASH zombie story set two years in the future. Charlie apparently gets naked.

Trevor Dobson: A sci-fi story where a homicide detective uses a reanimation technique to bring a murder back to life for his recollections of his murder, leading to painful consequences.

Evan Monez, Dave Rhodenbaugh and Gwen Kirk. An air percussionist piece called “The World is Round”.

Sarah Tweedt (provie): Selection from a short story by (?) discussing a child’s effort to buy wine for his parents with the aid of his neighbors


I. Division of the House (Negative 2-1) Sentiment: 4-19-6

II. 7 pm Debate Resolved: NASA is worthless, stop funding it.


Dan Wiser

Jessica Lee Nute (Provisional Debate)


Charlie Mason

Keith White

Result: OP 1-6-1 (Sentiment); 2-4-2 (Quality)

April 6th, 2006 Meeting

Literary Presentations:

Original Literary Contest (Washington Society members only)

  • Vadim Elenev: Shattering a Glass of Wine

A piece exploring memory and love, set around the historic train crash in Russia.

  • Dan Herrmann: An Afterthought
  • Gwen Kirk: Finders Keepers, Losers Weepers

An extended essay documenting the curious behaviors of a young women and her penchant for collecting interesting objects.

  • Tara Ebrahimi: Turtle

The story of an older bother coercing his younger sibling into slamming a turtle with a hammer. One sees the action unfold both from the younger sibling’s point of view and the turtle.

  • Lauren Palmer: The Down Beat


Bush wire-tapping story. Resolved: Several days before a presidental election, you (a newspaper) gain knowledge of an controversial wiretapping policy by the White House.

Resolved: Print the story.


Katie Bray

Vadim Elenev


Margaret Olson

Lauren Palmer (provie)

Sentiment: 12-13-1 Quality: 8-18-4

March 30th, 2006 Meeting

Literary Presentations

Dave Rhodenbaugh: Scott Adams; the Dilbert Future. Documenting how future technology would impact the lives of the human race.

Rohan Pai: ‘My Life in Club Clemons’ An original lit that talks of how Clemons Library has impacted the life of Mister Pai.

Peter Traurnicht: “The rap about back to the future, the 1985 classic.

Featuring Michael J Fox and Christopher Lloyd.”

Emmett Snyder: Long rambling Sci-Fi story with a wrestling ending. Latter part accompanied by Doug O’Reagan.

Meg 0lson? : ?


A day after swearing in, a US Senator from your state dies. Your state’s governor has the power to appoint a replacement for the remainder of the 6-year term, and wants you. But there’s a hitch: You’re an anarchist.

Resolved: Take the job.


PM: Michelle Unterbrink

MG: Marguerite De Voll (provisional)


Lo: Chen Song (provisional)

MO: Tim Gray (provisional)

Winner: Government

Sentiment: 20-11-3 Quality: 18-9-7

March 23rd, 2006 Meeting

Literary Presentations

Vadim: Patrick Henry Speech

Bud Lobb (provisional): A non-original literary presentation that humorously charted the progression of English literature from Chaucer to Yeats.

Chen Song (provie): Second Provisional Lit. About some dictator in Latin America killing people. Original Lit.

Trevor Dobson: “Flashman Adventures in Afghanistan!”

Rachel Mulheren: WH Auden Poems “Law like Love”

Dan Herrman: Reading a Donald Bartheleme short story “The School”; students coming to grips with death with the aid of their teacher and teacher’s assistant.

Jessica Nute: Read the story of a newly hired professor (a former worker at the Manhattan project) who manages to sleep on the couch for his first night at Columbia.


An attack of unknown origin has completely destroyed the three braches of government except for you. You were the Secretary of Education, so now, by law, you head the Federal Government.

Resolved: Officially hand over your powers to the Joint Chiefs of Staff


Nicole Eickoff

Alex Rixey (provie)


Steve Gotlschling

Ethan Hamlin (provie)

Winner: Opposition

Sentiment: 0-26-1

Quality: 3-22-7

March 16th, 2006 Meeting

A lot of things happened at this meeting.

Short listing

i. Smith Simpson Try-Out Round
ii. Literary Presentations
iii. APDA-Demo Round

I. Smith Simpson Tryout Round

Resolved: (?) America Should Pull Out of Iraq. (?)

Trevor Dobson and Dan Wister

Anne Gilbert and Emmett Snyder

II. Literary Presentations

(Provisional) Tim Gray: Selections from the classified section of the London Times

Ben DeForest: Thomas Gray; Cat drowning in a fish bowl

Floor Lits

Peter Tauernicht: Article on Articulation

Hallee Morgan: Her sister’s short stories about New Year’s and Australia

III. APDA Demo Round

Names: Need to Get

March 9th, 2006 Meeting

Spring break. Alas, there was no meeting.