Monday, June 18, 2007

Humorous Meeting, February 2, 2006

I. A particularly rowdy bunch is called back to order in Jefferson Hall. Mr. Lepley, our esteemed secretary, recites the motto, "Quam fluctus diversi, Quam mare conjuncti," and reads minutes from the last meeting.

II. Announcements include but are not limited to: Ms. Olson with a book club meeting at her place on Friday (February 3) to discuss Harlan Ellison and with a Superbowl party (lots of free food) at Curley's (February 5). Go Steelers!. Ms. Maloche announcing the banquet, February 25--please pay $50 (vegetarian or chicken) or $55 (beef) to John Wass by February 16. Email her with your information. There was a sumptuous description of each entree. Mr. Mason and Ms. Bray welcoming provies-to-be.

III. Humorous debate. "Wait!" you exclaim, "I thought the debate was after the lits." Well you thought wrong, didn't you. Actually, Mr. White, our vice-president, switched it up for "fun" this week. You are God: Resolved: Give up on Earth and make a new planet. Arguing for Slartibartfast and the government of Magrathea were Mr. Michael Dindoffer and Mr. Andrew Morgan. Arguing for the continuance of life on earth, and supporting LBJ's infamous Daisy commercial were Mr. Gene Lepley and Mr. Evan Stewart. By a vote of 37-28-4 the Society decided that the government won.

IV. Lits.

Ms. Sara Driskell: “"Dealing with an Ex-Nazi Neighbor” Organize and politely kick them out. McSweenys.

Mr. Pablo Man: Superman having sex: will it kill you?

Mr. Chris Ray: “If I Were Gay" an Onion Article

Mr. Peter Trauernicht: “Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny” Pop-culture piece.

Mr. Charlie Mason: Dennis Leary: “Life Sucks, Get a Helmet.”

Floor Lits

Meg Olson: Poem, “Uriel” by Emerson about the God Uriel

Dave Rodenbaugh: Sex, Drugs, and Something.

Ben: “Heavy Sorority” (Chuck Norris jokes from Internet)

V. Adjourn to the College Inn

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