Monday, June 18, 2007

March 23rd, 2006 Meeting

Literary Presentations

Vadim: Patrick Henry Speech

Bud Lobb (provisional): A non-original literary presentation that humorously charted the progression of English literature from Chaucer to Yeats.

Chen Song (provie): Second Provisional Lit. About some dictator in Latin America killing people. Original Lit.

Trevor Dobson: “Flashman Adventures in Afghanistan!”

Rachel Mulheren: WH Auden Poems “Law like Love”

Dan Herrman: Reading a Donald Bartheleme short story “The School”; students coming to grips with death with the aid of their teacher and teacher’s assistant.

Jessica Nute: Read the story of a newly hired professor (a former worker at the Manhattan project) who manages to sleep on the couch for his first night at Columbia.


An attack of unknown origin has completely destroyed the three braches of government except for you. You were the Secretary of Education, so now, by law, you head the Federal Government.

Resolved: Officially hand over your powers to the Joint Chiefs of Staff


Nicole Eickoff

Alex Rixey (provie)


Steve Gotlschling

Ethan Hamlin (provie)

Winner: Opposition

Sentiment: 0-26-1

Quality: 3-22-7

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