Monday, June 18, 2007

February 23rd Meeting

Literary Presentations:

Chen Song: Time travel piece

Peter Trauernicht: Asimov piece, Science Fiction.

Katie Bray: Beatles “White Album” and then relating it to Faulkner. A compilation work.

Anne Gilbert: “Myth of the Male Orgasm.”

Amy Hawkins (alumna): Interview with Dan Savage.

Chris Ray: “I’ll tell you what I would do if I were gay” (I think this was a piece off the internet which was then customized to the WASH, but could be wrong)

Greg Ullom: “27 reasons why beer is better than a Woman” (Internet Piece)


Soup vs. Salad Assimilation. Resolved: Soup.

[Keith short and old take on the night]

This is one of the Society’s classic debates. In what seemed to be a great set-up, the debate fell into what really makes soup, and how different is it from salad?

Rohan got an award for being the only articulate debater of the night. It was a rough night—but truly hilarious.

Trevor Dobson and Steve Young (provie)

Allie Schneider and Rohan Pai (provie)

Winner: Opposition

Sentiment: 17-13-9

Quality: 8-19-13

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